FAQ: Should I Renovate or Replace?

FAQ: Should I Renovate or Replace?

Sometimes rebuilding a room - or your entire home - really is the best option to get what you want.

Home improvement is a tricky task to master. There are endless questions that one must ask themselves before getting the process started, but the most important focuses on whether your project at hand should be about renovating a certain aspect of your home, or completely replacing it.

Renovation is the act of building upon what you already have to make it better, while replacement is more of an act of “out with the old, in with the new”. Each case of home improvement is different and calls for its own unique needs, so how do you know if you should renovate or replace?


Often, when your project just needs small improvements that can be fixed without completely tearing apart the structure you already have in place, renovation is the way to go. Renovation is for projects like faulty shower caulking or loose kitchen cabinets – tasks that can be completed without too much trouble. However, if your project poses a threat to your home, you will need to consider replacing whatever you are working with. For example, if your home’s siding is falling apart, replacing the material would be your best bet at protecting your house from pests and elements that could cause further damage.


More times than not, renovation will be cheaper than replacement. Renovating is more wallet friendly simply because it calls for smaller fixes, and less time-consuming tasks. However, if the issue at hand keeps coming back after several renovations, it may be worth the extra cash to opt for replacement, and stop any problems before the costs outweigh each other in the long run.


Most importantly, you will need to consider your own style wants when determining between renovation and replacement. Do you really want to paint your kitchen cabinets white and hope for the best, or do you want to tear them out and completely re-think your culinary space? Are you a fan of your outdoor ground level deck and willing to re-stain it each year, or do you want to replace it with a stone slab perfect for familygatherings? Your wants are an important factor when it comes to home improvement tasks. After all, you are the one who has to live with the end result.

When choosing between renovating and replacing certain aspects of your home, keep in mind the work that goes into each and always have a plan of action for every step along the way. No matter which course of action you choose, make sure it is one you fully support and that will make you happy in the long run. Only you know what your home truly needs, so get started today, and look forward to an improved tomorrow.