3 Home Remodeling Tips for Improving Insulation

3 Home Remodeling Tips for Improving Insulation

improving your home's insulation

With summer right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning how you will keep your home cool in the hot months ahead. Whether you love the sweltering days or have a strong bond with your AC, proper insulation will help to keep your entire home and family safe and healthy. Three home remodeling tips to improve your home’s insulation for summer include:

Maintain Healthy Siding

insulated sidingThe cool air produced by your AC unit can easily escape through even the smallest of holes or warps in your siding. When this happens, your air conditioner has to work harder to keep your house cool, resulting in both a warmer climate and an overworked unit. Avoid this by patching any siding holes as soon as you find them, or even replacing all of your sidings with a composite alternative through a home remodeling project.

Keep Windows Sealed

While, yes, it can be tempting to throw open the windows on a sunny day, keeping your windows tightly shut will keep any cool air from escaping. Home remodeling projects like installing new seals for your windows can also help with improving your insulation. If you really do feel inclined to let in a little breeze, at least wait until late evening when the high temperatures fall to a more manageable degree.

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Create Shade

screened-in porch A little landscaping never hurt anyone – and it can certainly help keep your home cool over the summer. Shade producing landscaping – like trees – can help cut down on the heat hitting your home and warming it up. Manmade structures like screened-in porches can also help cool down areas of your home, plus they make for pretty awesome places to hang out.

Having good insulation will both keep your home cool and save you money. Since your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard, your energy bills will decrease – often by significant figures. Using the money you save with proper insulation, you can invest in other home improvement projects that you and your family can enjoy, like a new deck or even an outdoor kitchen.

To learn more about proper home insulation or to get started on your own home remodeling project, visit Total Home KC today.